Business Books with Lessons from Parenting – Medium
Having children can be excellent for your career. I am fully aware there are plenty of parents (women particularly) who might raise an eyebrow at this or even laugh out loud and there’s no doubt parenthood can make things complicated. Nonetheless, in my experience and from what I’ve seen of business men and women who are my clients and my friends, parenthood can help step-change your approach to entrepreneurship and work in positive ways.
I’m not just talking about people like Sarah Wood who left an academic career to set up the incredibly success viral media company Unruly because she wanted to see more of her kids (read more about her leadership advice here) or Jake Knapp who was one of the geniuses behind GV’s Sprint approach and whose thinking on time was kick-started by parenthood… it is something that happens to many and in many different ways.
Read the full article here.